Access the Benefits of Online Project Coaching

project coaching project success projects Mar 24, 2023


This week we have moved onto a new platform and launch our first online project coaching products with some special introductory offers.

Project coaching gives individuals, teams and organisations the opportunity to develop well rounded project management capabilities and drive project success.

The role of a project coach

Project coaches help their coachees (project managers and/or teams) develop their ability, technique and performance in response to specific goals and real-time opportunities and challenges. 

Coaches draw from real-world experience to help individuals and/or teams improve their skills and apply them in different scenarios with a focus on tactics, strategies, execution and outcomes.

3 things your coach in not

The coach is not you teacher.  The coach is not there to teach you the basics, they can, but that’s not usually the focus.  Rather the coach is there to help you grow by applying the skills you have in different ways in response to different scenarios and circumstances.

The coach is not your boss.  You don’t report to the coach and the coach has no specific performance expectations other than working toward the goals you have set together.  The coach is there to keep you accountable on coaching goals, o help you identify opportunities and navigate challenges successfully, ultimately to help you maximise performance and achieve your goals.

The coach is not one of your staff members.  You cannot assign tasks to your coach.  In the same way a sports coach doesn’t go out on the field to play, you can’t ask your coach to undertake project roles or responsibilities, but you can ask for advice on tactics, strategies and execution.

Project coaching is a unique opportunity… for you!

Many people shy away from engaging a coach because they feel it’s a negative reflection of their skills and experience.

Reasoning often sounds like “I don’t need a coach, I’ve been doing this for years and I am a good Project Manager, I know what I am doing.”

This is what we would term a closed mindset.

If you have a closed mindset, then coaching is probably not for you.

Whereas a growth mindset always seeks opportunities to acquire knowledge and experience that ultimately makes us better.  Project coaching provides that opportunity.

Many project managers operate in isolation, in a nexus of various project stakeholders, team members and organisational pressures.  So the opportunity to have a coach provides a channel to discuss things confidentially and objectively, to get inputs independent of the project machinery.  It helps find clarity, confidence and motivation.

3 key benefits for organisations

Three key benefits for organisations are:

  • Improved risk management leading to better project outcomes and realising the benefits of improved project delivery.
  • Coaching is very cost effective compared to employing additional staff or contractors.
  • Flexibility to direct coaching effort o particular people or teams as and when required to maximise impact and value.

3 key benefits for individuals

Three key benefits for individuals are:

  • Outcomes: It’s about you and what you want to achieve for your project, professionally and personally.
  • Learn from people who have been where you are. They give you access to extensive, real world project management experience and insights to capitalise on opportunities and navigate challenges.
  • Better mental health through open discussion in a safe and objective forum.

How to get the most from our online coaching programs

In developing our online coaching products our aim was to make it easy to access project coaching when and where it is needed.

Hence, our approach has been to develop a number of baseline products, but then combine them into bundles and programs that offer flexible cost-effective solutions for individuals and organisations.

The key is to consider and plan how project coaching is best used in your circumstances.

For example.  You may be moving into a critical period for the project you are managing.  At this time a higher frequency of formal coaching sessions may be beneficial with ready access to check ins and email/chat support for on the fly questions or advice.  After the critical period, coaching can be scaled back.

Usually we provide periodic sessions for review and planning to ensure the coaching program is oriented to your needs and goals.

And, don’t forget that coaching is a process so usually the coach is preparing before and following up after sessions to maximise the impact and value.  It’s important that coachees are engaged in this process to get the most benefit.

Like to know more?

We are currently offering a limited number of online project coaching bundles/programs and a range of base products.

However, the real power and flexibility comes from building a coaching solution for you and your organisation.

We recommend booking a free CHALK Discovery Session so we can help find the coaching solution that will work best for you.

There are more product releases and offers on the way, so don’t forget to Subscribe so that as a member you receive unique content, the latest news and member-only offers, but no spam!

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