All The Support You Need To Create Sustainable Growth and Profitability for Your  Business

EDGE Business Coaching Programs

Whether you are an owner, director or manager, running a small to medium enterprise (SME) can be both isolating and overwhelming.

There’s always lots to do, a multitude of challenges, many risks and the overall pressure to make it work and be profitable.

In many cases entrepreneurs and business owners don’t come from a business background. Their focus is on their products or services, the things they know, the things they are great at!

But running a successful business needs a broad range of skills. The business aspects can seem daunting and simply add another layer with a steep learning curve.

It’s critical that you rise above the chaos to create the right focus and a clear pathway.

So who do you talk to?

Where do you get advice?

Who’s in your corner?

There are literally millions of articles and resources on the web about how to build and grow a business, many with their particular flavour. It takes a lot of time to wade through that stuff and while there is certainly lots of useful material, you still need to digest it and work out how you apply it in your own particular circumstances.

Often it results in more questions than answers. And there is never a simple solution.

Hence, business coaching is an essential channel for entrepreneurs, owners, CEOs and management teams who want to solve their business challenges and put their businesses on a pathway for sustainable growth and profitability.

Our business coaching provides valuable structure, strategies, tactics, advice and support to help you navigate business complexities, create opportunities, solve problems, manage teams and stakeholders and create a clear pathway focused on achieving goals and realising your business vision.

Coaching program features:

  • Outcomes focused content.
  • Highly experienced coaches.
  • Flexible session times
  • Flexible delivery modes: Online (via Zoom) or in person.
  • Holistic approach
  • Free check ins
  • Free email and/or chat support
  • All inclusive fixed cost
  • Flexible and rapid deployment
  • Backed by proven frameworks, methods and resources.

Coaching is not training, nor is it a silver bullet for all your business challenges, but it does result in higher capabilities, better focus, confidence and motivation to drive your business success and achieve your business goals.

Examples of things we work on with clients through coaching are:

  • Establishing business foundations.
  • Time management skills
  • Creating a vision
  • Business SWOT analysis
  • Business Blueprint
  • Business Roadmaps
  • Building a STAR framework
  • Business ideas
  • Strategy development
  • Strategy execution
  • Problem solving
  • Opportunity identification and evaluation.
  • Strategic project portfolio development

The best way to get started is by booking a FREE Discovery Session.

Note: The button below takes you a checkout and booking page, but there is no cost and you will not be asked for credit card details.
Book a FREE Discovery Session now

Here's 20 reasons why you should consider using a business coach

  • Clarifying your vision and goals
  • Improve self-awareness for you and your business
  • Identify opportunities
  • Solve business problems and challenges
  • Developing strategies and tactics
  • Creating a clear roadmap
  • Deliver key changes successfully that make a strategic contribution.
  • Develop your leadership and management capabilities
  • Improve performance and profitability
  • Holds you accountable
  • Achieve vision and goals
  • Better prioritisation
  • Improved time management
  • Learn new skills
  • Boost confidence and motivation
  • Build and effective team
  • Create a customer focus
  • Optimise operational aspects to create scalability
  • Drive the best culture for you business
  • Better mental health
Note: The button below takes you a checkout and booking page, but there is no cost and you will not be asked for credit card details.
Book a FREE Discovery Session now

Book a free Chalk Discovery Session today!

We would love to meet you and get to know your business.  A Discovery Session is a great way to get to know each other and ensures we can provide you with the best products and services.  And, you will get some free tips and advice!

Note: The button below takes you a checkout and booking page, but there is no cost and you will not be asked for credit card details.
Book a FREE CHALK Discovery Session