Project Risk and Performance (RAP)


Projects are fundamentally about managing two things: Risk and Return. 

That's right, it's the classic investment proposition, but it's a concept that often gets lost in the haze of project delivery.  There is a focus on the "things" being delivered at the literal expense of other aspects.

One aspect being project risk.  Usually relegated to the bottom of the priorities list and often managed in a "tick the box" compliance style, no wonder projects fail to realise the potential value of effective risk management... no wonder projects fail! 

Keep in mind that projects are a defined activity,  separate from business as usual, undertaken with the expectation of a return for the business.  Tasked with delivering something new, a solution, step changes or regulatory compliance... it is unknown at the start and therefore carries risk.

Yet, most projects are on the back foot when it comes to risk management.

Hence, project failure rates are high, and project returns and benefits are, for the most part, lower than expected.  But, they don't have to be.

Keeping projects on track is not always about throwing more bodies at it.  It's about working smarter by creating the right foundations and operating environment, managing the risks and  staying in tune with how projects are performing so that the decision making process is effective and early intervention on issues is possible.

Chalk Advisory is disrupting the way consulting services are consumed by projects.  We offer highly efficient, focused and cost effective alternatives to the traditional consulting model.

Our RAP products and services are focused, efficient and cost-effective, designed to help you:

  • minimise project risk
  • enhance project performance
  • optimise project outcomes
  • maximise project returns.

And we offer a unique flexibility through:

  • Single products
  • Product/Service Bundles
  • Lighthouse Programs for projects or portfolios
  • Advisory services

Ultimately you only pay for the services and outcomes you need.  Simple!

RAP Products

We offer a range of unique Project Risk and Performance Products (RAP) designed to minimise risk and maximise project performance and returns, without the long timeframes and high price tag of traditional consulting approaches. 

Check out our RAP Products

Lighthouse Programs

Harness the real power of our products by combining multiple products within a Lighthouse Program

A structured, but flexible and proactive program of regular reviews, risk management and performance insights  throughout the project lifecycle is significantly more effective than a single "health check".

Learn more about Lighthouse programs

Consulting and Advisory

We offer the full consulting and advisory experience and we make sure we invest time in you to get to know you, your business and your needs.

This is important so we can provide the right services and achieve the outcomes you want.

Get in touch

Not sure where to start?

Book a FREE CHALK Discovery Session where we can get to know each other and explore how we create a solution that works for your unique requirements.

Book a FREE CHALK Discovery Session